Sunday, August 7, 2016

ADD love to the world.
SUBTRACT evils from our lives.
MULTIPLY good words to your children.
DIVIDE your gifts and share it to others.
A M E N.

Hey! Welcome in our blog. We’re hoping that all the contents here will help you solve your problems in Math.

PATTERNS- is a set of all things that is arranged by following a Rule.
Example: 1,2,3,4,...

SEQUENCE- succession of number in a specific order.
Example: 49,44,39,34,29,... where a8 is 29. 

SERIES- summation of all terms in a given sequence.
Example: the S8 of the example above is 252

ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE- Sequence that has a common differences.
For example: find the a750 if a1= 3 and d=2
 A750= 3 +(750-1)2

GEOMETRIC SEQUENCE- it is a sequence that has a common ratio.
With the formula, an= a1 (r) n-1 where,
A1 = x, r=y, find a10.
Answer: a10= x (y) 9
                     = x(y9)
                     = xy9.

Sn= a1 (r¹- 1) /r-1
    = 1(2^10-1)/2-1
    = 1(1024-1)/1
    = 1023.

Sn= a1/r-1
     = 8/½-1
     = 8/-½
     = 8(-2)

HARMONIC SEQUENCE- reciprocal of arithmetic sequence.
Formula: an=   1/ a1 +(n-1)d
             = 1/⅓+(50-1)5
             = 1/⅓ + (245)
           A50= 1/248

Where F1 is equal to F2. (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21)
F3= F3-2 + F3-1
    = F1 + F2
F3= 2.

                          OPINIONATED BLOG!
"Struggle is for REAL." Well, maybe its just I'm tired of being tired. Have you ever experience this in your life as a student? Have you ever chose to stop your studies and wish that you have your work the next day? It's unbelievable, right? As of now, maybe you could get tired of your daily routines such as woke up early, going to school and listen to the teacher, chat with your seatmate, eat your lunch or snacks, and vice versa on the other day. Yes it could be so tiring day after but on the other side, WE MUST and WE NEED TO FINISH OUR STUDIES FOR US TO GET A GOOD JOB, HIGH SALARY, A BRAND NEW CAR, BUILD OUR OWN DREAM HOUSE or MAYBE TRAVEL THE WHOLE WORLD. Just be a hardworking student and I know someday, we can all achieve our goals and be one or be a part of the professional man/woman in this world. It seems to be like PLAY. PAUSE. REPEAT. Take note that we really need to study hard and to not get tired of doing everything. Because as what Fr. Joel Villanueva told us "Don't be tired just like Jesus who help others. Serve like Jesus!"

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